The field of Healthcare has a tremendous need for talent and expertise. According to the Association of American Medical Colleges, the demand for physicians is outpacing supply, with a projected shortfall of between 42,000 and 121,000 by 2030. The Nursing profession is also facing its own shortage, with tens of thousands of nursing jobs going unfilled each year. Meanwhile, turnover in the health care industry is quite high, reaching nearly 20% in some cases.
With such a heightened demand for healthcare jobs comes an equal need for a healthcare staffing agency dedicated to identify and attract qualified professional to fill these open positions. This is where MEDEX ADDIS will play its role in bridging the gap between qualified health personnel and the healthcare settings in need of such personnel.

When should you look for services from MEDEX ADDIS staffing agency?

MEDEX ADDIS can help you find the perfect employee for the job, saving you time and money. Here are the signs that you should consider using a staffing agency, such as MEDX ADDIS: When you don’t have the time to do the recruitment process yourself, When you need experts in a particular field of work; When you are experiencing a high attrition rate; When you need expert staff within a short period of time and when you know that the staffing need is going to be a continuous one


MEDEX ADDIS will be responsible for - Providing employers with qualified candidates from its extensive database of qualified candidates, which they will screen and match with the best jobs available for them; Shortlisting candidates and conducting interviews, and verifying candidates’ backgrounds and employment history; Drafting contracts and examining legal issues and offering training if necessary and Monitoring the performance of the temp workers to ensure they meet the requirements


MEDEX ADDIS will help to assist in supplying qualified nurses, doctors, and other medical professionals to hospitals and clinics.

One of the most critical responsibilities of MEDEX ASDDIS as a healthcare staffing agency is to ensure that its employees are qualified and meet the standards of the healthcare industry. Agencies must also ensure that their employees are adequately trained and have the necessary skills to do the job.

Another critical responsibility of MEDEX is maintaining a database of qualified medical professionals. This database should include the resumes and qualifications of all potential employees.

Please reach out to us with your staffing needs and we make sure you get what you need. Please check the link below to request your consultations.

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